
Welcome to my first post ever, everyone. I’m really excited doing this; it’s been in the pipeline for a long time. I was forever writing loads of my ideas and opinions in my head at 1am when I am unable to sleep and telling myself that I will set it up and write. However, life always got in the way, it was one thing or the other that stopped me from getting down to writing. I think I passed that desire to write to my daughter and she started writing a blog at age 8 or so but as usual, teenage years took over and that was it.

She inspired me to write again. However, tragedy struck in 2008 and I have been battling that devil since then.  I will be writing about my long, emotional journey with this kidney disease and talking about how people can cope with it. There will be topics around diet, medication, self care, self love (really important) because a lot of us fall into depression. I will also be asking others to tell their stories because they are all incredibly amazing. My children did make a difference in my life at this point, so I will be talking about Family and how they can support you.

It’s not all doom and gloom. There will be other topics including funny ones that I will be writing on. I will also be asking people I admire to guest blog and talk about issues that are close to their hearts. I intend to write about everything and anything that catches my attention which I know will be of use to people.

Family is also important to me so there will be fun stories about my family from around the world. You, my readers, will not be left out of this journey, whoever will like to share their stories with the world. I will be happy to do that.  I hope they will be stories that inspire or make people forget whatever they might be going through at that point in time.

Videos are also important and I will be posting relevant videos for your viewing pleasure. I will also post videos of personalities I interview, too.  Oh! Let’s not forget my vlogs and probably podcasts when I get round to it.  Get ready for your senses to be titillated by my stories on my journey.

I’m glad I decided to take this step. I’m squeezing myself with excitement and joy. This is huge!


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Hilaria popularly known as Hilary is a kidney disease survivor and a transplant warrior. She first started writing to help deal with the pain and suffering of her journey but it quickly became a path to creating an awareness of BME organ donation. She is very passionate about her campaign as she felt that if people knew and could identify with her suffering, it will help people to change their minds and become organ donors.

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