World Blood Donor Day

Today is world blood donor day. It is a day to do what feels right to you. Do not worry about anything, just go. Hey you, yes you, have you signed up to donate blood? What are you waiting for? People like me need you now especially in the Afro-Caribbean Community.

Years ago, when I fell gravely ill after a miscarriage, in a bid to save me, the doctors had to give me a lot of blood. I’m not sure how many I got but also recently after my transplant, I needed blood. It was easy to find pints of life saving blood for me.
It’s people like you who make it possible that people like me are still able to breath, walk and do all the normal things people take for granted everyday. I used to be like that but I take nothing for granted these days.
Please this is an appeal to everyone out there. Go to your nearest blood donation centre and donate. Your little sacrifice will be saving a lot of people like myself right now.
To those who have already donated, thank you for your help and support. For giving hope to different families as they wait for the recovery of their loved ones. As you have selflessly done for others, without expecting a reward, you will be amply rewarded.
On World Blood Donor Day, it is a day that all reservations should be set aside; everybody who is eligible should go to the nearest donation centre, wherever you might be, to donate blood.  For those still in two minds about donating, look at me, for example, a mother of two, a daughter to 2 still living parents and a sister to 4 sisters and 3 brothers, all of us closely knit as a family.
The sacrifice of those who stepped forward, made it possible for me to be here today. They have given me the chance to do what I’m doing today, being a voice for those who cannot speak, who cannot stand up to ask for your help.
I’m asking now on their behalf. Won’t you give them hope? Get up, stand up and give hope to that Father, Mother, brother or sister, child, husband or wife. Give somebody who’s seriously ill a chance to fight back and be here for their family.
I thank you as you make that decision to take that big step, conquer your fear and make that life changing decision. On every World Blood Donor Day, your sacrifice will remembered and shall never be forgotten by those who benefited from your donation. Someone up there, sees you.
Being a donor is a calling. Reach into your heart, find that voice and help others in our community. On their behalf, with gratitude, THANK YOU!!!
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Hilaria popularly known as Hilary is a kidney disease survivor and a transplant warrior. She first started writing to help deal with the pain and suffering of her journey but it quickly became a path to creating an awareness of BME organ donation. She is very passionate about her campaign as she felt that if people knew and could identify with her suffering, it will help people to change their minds and become organ donors.

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