Ode to a hero

My ode to a hero. My very own transplant hero! I was watching this series called Taken on Amazon Prime and the storyline was loosely based around Organ Transplant. The main character, Mills, had lost a sibling through sickness. His parents had made the decision at the time to donate his brother’s organs but he was finding it difficult to come to terms with it. Then, a case came up at work, where organ traffickers were kidnapping children between the ages of 15 to 17.

He had put his life at risk to save these kids particularly a young orphan girl, with no one to look out for her. His interaction with her helped him to deal with his own issues. He finally, went to meet the family who got his brother’s organs. As the young girl who received the organ opened the door, she knew immediately who he was as she saw the letter he received from the hospital in his hands. The beatific smile she had on her face was so sweet and loving. I cried so much.

As I write this, tears are rolling down my face and I just needed to write something about how I feel right now. I’m so emotional because I’m imagining how the family of my donor are feeling at this moment. I have lost two children too, even if it was at conception stage; the pain never goes away not to mention the pain of a full grown child or even a young adult.

I am so grateful for this gift of life and really want to reach out to this family and offer my support to help them deal with their loss.  It’s not easy to reach out right now but I want them to know that no matter how long it takes, I will always be here.

It is my life’s ambition to pay their kindness forward and campaign in the Afro-Carribean Community. To raise awareness of the importance of stepping up to give hope to our brothers and sisters who are sick and desperately need blood and/or organs.

Having a new lease of life is amazing. It hasn’t been smooth sailing but with the support of my family and my children, I have been able to overcome whatever came my way.

To my donor’s family, I am speaking directly to you, when and if you manage to come across my posts. From the bottom of my heart and with all my being, I thank you. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel. It is insurmountable. You, in your grief, took the decision to give me and others another chance at life. You are my heroes.

To the mother of my donor, as a mother of two children (teenagers) myself and having lost another two before they were born, I know and understand your pain. One thing I can reassure you is that it gets better but their memory never leaves you. Little silly and funny things your child does will crop up in your mind, now and again. It will probably bring on a fresh deluge of tears. However, with time, it will be a sigh and a small prayer you will whisper for their memory.

A mother never forgets their child. You will see their friends and be invited to their different life achievements. You will think of what could have been if they had been alive, what they would be doing etc. All that will shore you up but believe me, it gets better!

My prayer for you, as a mother, is to find solace in your other children, who will make you proud and help you move on eventually.

You will always remember your child with love and one day, find that it’s not so hard to share little anecdotes about something they did, without bursting into tears.

For my donor, I know you are not here to hear me but I believe you are an angel in heaven now. Angels have unbelievable powers so this is my ode to you. For the gift of life you have given me, my thanks cannot be enough. I know you would have wanted to live longer on this earth but it was not to be. You had to go so others like me can live.

Your life on earth might not have been amazing but the gift you gave to others meant you went out like a blazing star. Leaving a lot of grateful souls behind. I believe that has opened the pearly gates for you, no matter what sins you committed here on earth.

God bless you until we meet again. Sleep on, my angel, sleep on. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord until the last day when there will be no more tears or loss. Amen

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Hilaria popularly known as Hilary is a kidney disease survivor and a transplant warrior. She first started writing to help deal with the pain and suffering of her journey but it quickly became a path to creating an awareness of BME organ donation. She is very passionate about her campaign as she felt that if people knew and could identify with her suffering, it will help people to change their minds and become organ donors.

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