Hilary's kidney disease journey

LightHouse Manchester Address

The Lighthouse Manchester Service was lit today. The sermon of the pastors moved me so much, I shed tears. I guess I’m still emotional after my transplant. I’m not sure if I will ever get pas t the gratitude I feel towards my donor’s family. I don’t know if I will ever get over the feeling of being so lucky where others have died, waiting to get this life giving organ.

There are so many who have died whilst waiting, I can never forget that, both in the UK and Nigeria. Friends, Family and acquaintances alike. When I hear the news, I feel a shiver run down my spine. Would I be next? This feeling, I guess made me adhere to whatever medication my doctors wanted to put me on, endured every needle prick that made me quake in my shoes.

At first going to the hospital was a major operation, I had to psych and reassure myself that all will be well today. I would slap on my make up and go in. This never helped because as soon as the nurses were coming close, I start to cry and scream. It was that bad.

I started seeing a psychologist to help me get over my phobia. I cried a lot at those sessions but they helped. The medical team made a decision if I was at home, I would fare better so they moved my dialysis sessions to my house. I did!

So Pastor Dele was preaching and talking about God’s own ways which isn’t ours, I felt he was talking to me and about me. I felt the tears well up. Listen to his sermon and tell me what you think.

I am sharing the recorded service (1.46) and I would like to share it with everyone reading this right now. If you want to go straight to my segment, you can start from Kachi’s introduction (36.33). Though I will urge you to listen to the whole sermon. I hope it will minister to you as it did to me.

Thank you for taking the time to watch to the YouTubeVideo.  God Bless You!

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Hilaria popularly known as Hilary is a kidney disease survivor and a transplant warrior. She first started writing to help deal with the pain and suffering of her journey but it quickly became a path to creating an awareness of BME organ donation. She is very passionate about her campaign as she felt that if people knew and could identify with her suffering, it will help people to change their minds and become organ donors.

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